Monday, January 02, 2006

Dishonour and Prejudice

And so, the topic was people and cultures. Cities and security. Sensibilities to dissimilarities.

"Marwaris and Punjabis - these two people, really know how to make money"
"And Gujaratis also"
"Yes of course, Gujaratis"
"Marwaris genuinely have business sense, but Punjabis are out to make money just by fooling and cheating"
"Actually Marwaris really make money by doing some innovation or the other"
"No no,l Gujaratis are masters in that"
"You have to be very careful with Punjabis. If you are slightly careless, or innocent, God help you"
"Actually thats not entirely true. You are talking about Delhi. If you go to the heartland of Punjab, its a different story"
"Thats correct. You know, in any village of Punjab, you go to any house at random, and ask for food, they will feed you like a king. Even though they never met you before."
Murmurs of approval. Two polarized points of view expressed. Both agreed and accepted. A final observation to put everything in place.
"You know, the majority of Punjabis in Delhi are immigrants from Pakistan. They are not the same as the Punjabis of the villages"

Ahh... that explains everything.

Sometimes, prejudice manifests itself in subtle ways.

the reason why marwaris have such good business sense is because they are originaly from rajasthan , where the environment because it is mostly desert region was quiet brutal.survival among the fittest ..hence they had to be innovative to adapt and work their way thru the system to create situations beneficial to them.
Fairly true...
Prejudice manifests itself in subtle ways but there is an extent to it after which it tends to overlook all the other thoughts and hence leads you to thinking the exact opposite
CC- Yes, that was part of the conversation.. forgot to write

Blunt- What i meant is that its more dangerous coz its subtle
It's not really subtle after all... It's a manifestation of a hatred... What if you landed up at a Punjabi family's place and they still fed you like a king despite the fact that they are not Pakistani Immigrants?

There's always a way to prejudice someone or something as long as you believe you can... What say?
AC - agreed. However the point I was trying to make is slightly different, that being prejudice creeps in and you dont even notice it unless you pay attention. The group did not question the logic of reconciliation between the alleged difference in Punjabis in Punjab and Punjabis in Delhi. The explanation was taken as axiomatic, and the group moved on to another topic, this chapter taken as closed.
Oye, sadde punjab nu kuch na bolna... nahi te khoon kharaba ho jaana hai.

Hmm... interesting conversation... I just wanna say, I have met a lot of shrewd and cunning Gujjus with whom you are better off not doing business... lekin that's my opinion... need not be true for all.
It's got nothing to do with language I guess, it differs from person to person.
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