Sunday, November 27, 2005

I'm in love... and I love you :)

***Eyes widen, Rubs eyes and checks the post again. Eyes widen.***

Have I got this right? Or is it something like
AC - No its not an ullubanaya. Thankfully!!

Bhagya - Its more like :) :) :) :) :)
thats what happens when the little boy calls wolf too many times ;-).

anyway great news...i regularly visit seema's hopped on to see who this love interest is?and what is he all abt
(((hug))) very glad for u, very sad for seema (my deepest sympathies are with her :-D)
i'm still pissed about not getting my one-call-per-week, btw. thought you ought to know.
CC: Ya i did call wolf.. but only once.. now I'm only calling my lamb ;)

Dewdrop: Thanks! Seema, care to set the record straight? :)

Sita: Hehe i know.. I promised.. and so u shall get :)
Cha men! I used to like this blog... and then it got all mushy... cha!
I want my Russian Salad writing... gaali giving... funda maroeing... Chryslongname-um back!

@Dewdrop- I appreciate your concern and I am really concerned at your concern, but now that this concerns me, I have decided to appeal to the concerned party(Chrys) to show some concern.
It starts... You think you know a guy and then this happens... ;-) The Chrysanthemum begins to wilt(?). ;-)
seema, Chrys: muah you both!
hugs.... hugs... :):):):):):):)
This is so nice! Way to go chrys...haha..thats YET ANOTHER treat then!
Seema - whatever! Just coz i love you, you will write WHATEVER u want to on my blog eh? Yes? Ok :d

AC - Jyada samaj me aa raha hai?

Iceop - Thanks. I however cant return you muah now. Hope u understand :p

Dreams: Hugs back. Hugs allowed. Muah is no no :)

Manu: Are u kannadiga or marwadi? :))

Finch: Thank you for your thank you :)
lol! Cheapshot..but will brush it aside. Btw I'm listenin to Joe Sat's A Love Thing right now...:)!
intresting... almost fairy tale like??
then again... i dont thnk fairys have tails... plus i dont think there are fairys... niicceee!!

PS: its not my first time here!!
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